Top 20 NuGet openxml Packages

using (WordprocessingDocument document = WordprocessingDocument.Open(filePath, true)) { MainDocumentPart mainPart = document.MainDocumentPart; Dictionary<string, string> replacers = new Dictionary<string, string>(32); _openXmlVariableReplacer.ReplaceVariables(mainPart.Document, replacers); }
Allow create, read and edit Excel spreadsheets with very short and clean code.
NS.OpenXML.Bookmark is a small .Net library that fills bookmark content on word document using open xml.
NS.OpenXml.ExcelInterop is a small .Net library that imports and exports excel files using open xml.
Provides simple wrappers for managing Open Xml documents
Gerar excel via OpenXml com base em um arquivo modelo
Composing Excel spreadsheets based on a tree of nested components like the HTML DOM.
API to read and write Excel document without Microsoft Office installed.
BenchmarkDotNet extension to export benchmark results as xlsx file.
.NET assembly class responsible for converting OpenXml based documents into corrisponding dotnet code
This is a wrapper simplifying some of the functionality available in the OpenXML SDK v2.0. Currently only Excel functionality is implemented.
Facilitates streaming simple string values to XLSX (Excel 2007+ files)
Library for generating DOCX documents based on templates in DOCX format with all features of MS Word available
Read and create Excel files in OpenXml format. Based on SpreadsheetLight library and merged with old version of DocumentFormat.OpenXml to allow use new one.
Owl OpenXml
Customizable open source library for validating generic file formats (size, extension, file signature, checksum etc.) with available extensions which can detect corrupted files of some popular file formats.
Extends the Open XML framework
Reconstructs an OpenXml element by reflection
Das IQB versammelt hier nützliche Funktionen für das Lesen und Schreiben von OpenXml-Dokumenten.