Top 20 NuGet opencv Packages

Contains DLLs and C++ header/import files for OpenCV VideoIO module, for use in UWP apps. VideoIO is for capturing video from video files, image sequences or cameras.
Contains DLLs and C++ header/import files for OpenCV Video module, for use in UWP apps. Video is for motion analysis and object tracking.
Contains DLLs and C++ header/import files for OpenCV Stitching module, for use in UWP apps. Stitching is for feature finding and image matching, rotation estimation, autocalibration, image warping, seam estimation, exposure compensation and image blenders.
Contains DLLs and C++ header/import files for OpenCV Shape module, for use in UWP apps. Shape is for shape distance and matching.
Contains DLLs and C++ header/import files for OpenCV Photo module, for use in UWP apps. Photo is for de-noising, HDR imaging, seamless cloning and non-photorealistic rendering.
Contains DLLs and C++ header/import files for OpenCV ObjDetect module, for use in UWP apps. ObjDetect is a Haar feature-based cascade classifier for object detection.
Contains DLLs and C++ header/import files for OpenCV ML module, for use in UWP apps. ML is a set of classes and functions for statistical classification, regression, and clustering of data.
Contains DLLs and C++ header/import files for OpenCV ImgProc module, for use in UWP apps. ImgProc is for image filtering, transformations, drawing functions, color maps, histograms, structural analysis and shape description, motion analysis and object tracking, feature detection, object detection.
Contains DLLs and C++ header/import files for OpenCV ImgCodecs module, for use in UWP apps. ImgCodecs has its own implementation for reading+writing JPEG and PNG files.
Contains DLLs and C++ header/import files for OpenCV FLANN module, for use in UWP apps. FLANN (Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors) is a library that contains a collection of algorithms optimized for fast nearest neighbor search in large datasets and for high dimensional features.
Contains DLLs and C++ header/import files for OpenCV Features2d module, for use in UWP apps. Features2d is for feature detection/description, descriptor matches, drawing function of keypoints and matches, and object categorization.
Contains DLLs and WinMD files for OpenCV CvRT module, for use in UWP apps. CvRT contains a tiny ad-hoc set of WinRT-style wrappers.
Contains DLLs and C++ header/import files for OpenCV Calib3d module, for use in UWP apps. Calib3d uses a fisheye camera model to project 3d points onto the image, and estimate relative position and orientation of stereo camera heads.
OpenCVSharp port for Xamarin
The nuget package of OpenCV4.2.0 is comprised of dll, lib and include files, train .xml and .exe file in package's docs floder. Only build with x64 v140/v150 platform, Debug and Release mode is available.
Emgu CV is a cross platform .Net wrapper to the OpenCV image processing library. Allowing OpenCV functions to be called from .NET compatible languages such as C#, VB, VC++, IronPython etc. The wrapper can be compiled in Mono and run on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, iPhone, iPad and Android devices.