Top 20 NuGet opencl Packages

ILGPU Lightning library for high-level GPU programming. Samples can be found in the GitHub repository:
ILGPU SharpDX library.
Provides Visual Basic friendly OpenCL API bindings. 提供对 Visual Basic 友好的 OpenCL API 包装。
Halide is a new programming language designed to make it easier to write high-performance image processing code on modern machines. Its current front end is embedded in C++. Compiler targets include x86/SSE, ARM v7/NEON, CUDA, and OpenCL.
Package description
This package includes execution classes of OpenCL commands
.NET wrapper for OpenCL(TM) standard.
A neural network training library using hardware acceleration via OpenCL. It supports hardware acceleration both for the gradient descent, and the network result calculations. The library can be used from .net core as well. For more info, visit the project URL.