Top 20 NuGet openapi Packages

Extension methods for adding Asp net core support
Package supporting development using some of the SOLID principles.
Cake Addin for code generation from OpenAPI specifications via NSwag
Package supporting development using some of the SOLID principles.
Cake Addin for code generation via the OpenAPI Generator (f.k.a. Swagger Codegen)
A CLI tool to transform OpenAPI documents to HTML
Interface package for ServiceBlock
This library gives you a declarative approach to defining REST APIs. It's based on ASP.NET, but gives your a resource oriented workflow.
Storage package for ServiceBlock
Messaging package for ServiceBlock
Extensions package for ServiceBlock
Package supporting development using some of the SOLID principles.
Package supporting development using some of the SOLID principles.
Package supporting development using some of the SOLID principles.
Accelerate the creation of .NET Core 3.x API projects with minimal dependencies and a solution containing settings for DI/IoC, API versioning, automatic OpenAPI/Swagger documentation, separated layers, preconfigured mapping settings, preconfigured log settings, etc.
Accelerate the creation of .NET Core 3.x API projects exposing IoT Hub features (Azure IoTHub C# SDK) with minimal dependencies and a solution containing settings for DI/IoC, API versioning, automatic OpenAPI/Swagger documentation, separated layers, preconfigured mapping settings, preconfigured log ...
Mongo DB storage package for ServiceBlock
Tool for merging multiple OpenApi spec files into a single file.