Top 20 NuGet open-source Packages
Genesys Source Framework Models for MVC, Web API, WPF, Universal, Xamarin, .NET Core, Web Forms and Win Forms
Genesys Source Framework Models for your views and view-model classes. Genesys Framework is a full-stack .NET solution that centralizes your business objects in one reusable solution that runs in Windows, Web and Mobile..
Genesys Source Framework CRUD Data Access Object classes for MVC, Web API, WPF, Web Forms and Win Forms
Genesys Source Framework CRUD Data Access foundation classes for your business entities. Genesys Framework is a full-stack .NET solution that centralizes your business objects in one reusable solution that runs in Windows, Web and Mobile..
Genesys Source Framework Models for MVC, Web API, WPF, Universal, Xamarin, .NET Core, Web Forms and Win Forms
Genesys Source Framework Models for your views and view-model classes. Genesys Framework is a full-stack .NET solution that centralizes your business objects in one reusable solution that runs in Windows, Web and Mobile..
Genesys Source Framework CRUD Data Access Object classes for ASP.NET Core MVC, Web API Core, Xamarin iOS, Xamarin Android and .NET Standard libraries.
Genesys Source Framework Interop for MVC, Web API, WPF, Universal, Xamarin, .NET Core, Web Forms and Win Forms
Genesys Source Framework Interop for your business entities and models. Genesys Framework is a full-stack .NET solution that centralizes your business objects in one reusable solution that runs in Windows, Web and Mobile..
Genesys Source Framework Interop for MVC, Web API, WPF, Universal, Xamarin, .NET Core, Web Forms and Win Forms
Genesys Source Framework Interop for your business entities and models. Genesys Framework is a full-stack .NET solution that centralizes your business objects in one reusable solution that runs in Windows, Web and Mobile..
Enhanced CSharp bindings for the Tinkerforge range of Bricks and Bricklets.
This set of bindings includes three improvements over the standard library. Full Async / Await pattern support, Value Tuple returns and full support for Reactive Extensions