Top 20 NuGet observable Packages
Autofac integration for the Obvs.MessageDispatcher Framework.
A message dispatcher framework build upon the Obvs Framework.
A bunch of tools to use CQELight for MVVM apps
Observe processes like a push stream of data or await their results. Orchestrate and work declaratively with processes.
Reactive Extensions (Rx) Main Library combining the interfaces, core, LINQ, and platform services libraries.
Abstract base observable classes for use in MVVM projects.
Observable application metrics
Extensions to use Reactive observable in SignalR streams
Reactive Telegram Bot API for .NET
The Cloud Application Framework & Extensions (CloudFx) is a Swiss Army knife for Windows Azure developers which offers a set of production quality components and building blocks intended to jump-start the implementation of feature-rich, reliable and extensible Windows Azure-based solutions and servi...
The Cloud Application Framework & Extensions (CloudFx) is a Swiss Army knife for Windows Azure developers which offers a set of production quality components and building blocks intended to jump-start the implementation of feature-rich, reliable and extensible Windows Azure-based solutions and servi...
A set of types that extend and enhance the databinding functionality in WPF/Silverlight/WinRT.
There is currently only one type:
ObservableFilter - A configurable filtered ObservableCollection intended to act as a replacement for filtering that was present in WPF but isn't in WinRT. (For when you d...
Functional reactive programming lib for JavaScript. Turns your event spaghetti into clean and declarative feng shui bacon, by switching from imperative to functional.
Reactive Extensions for JavaScript library with async-based event processing query operations.
Concurrent Observable Collection, Dictionary, and Sorted Dictionary
Tools for Xamarin.Android.