Top 20 NuGet oauth Packages

ASP.NET Core authentication handler to validate messages signed with an asymmetric authentication scheme
Reddit.NET is a .NET Standard library that provides easy access to the Reddit API with virtually no boilerplate code required.
SSO V2 KemenkeuID Client Library for .Net Standard
A cross-platform API for authenticating users and storing their accounts.
This package is a plugin for Glimpse that provides you a detailed view of all activity from within the DotNetOpenAuth library. Glimpse - What Firebug is for the client, Glimpse does for the server... in other words, a client side Glimpse into whats going on in your server.
Adds the required source code and Web.config changes to support SWT tokens. Just configure SWT token format in Azure ACS/STS, and add your SwtSigningKey value to the Web.config! Requires: and
Glipho's implementation of OAuth providers, specifically OAuth 1.0.
A DotNetOpenAuth client for logging in to Facebook using OAuth2.
A DotNetOpenAuth client for logging in to Google using OAuth2.
A Bitly API Wrapper service that uses OAuth 2.0 authentication and T4 templates to make adding new endpoints easy.
JsonWebToken AuthorizeAttribute for ASP.NET MVC
This is a Glimpse plugin which helps developers see what magic happens 'under the hood' for SimpleAuthentication.
Used with SimpleAuthentication, this adds additional provider support: 1. GitHub 2. Amazon 3. 37 Signals 4. LinkedIn 5. OpenId.
Used with SimpleAuthentication, provides automated configuration for ASP.NET Mvc projects.
StitchzConsumer is the client utility used to connect to Stitchz Login. Stitchz Login is as a federated login service, or relaying-party, that safely and securely authenticates users to your website.
ASP.NET MVC5 ships with a few default OAuth Providers e.g. Facebook and Google. This is a Foursquare extension for the default OAuth provider list. It is important to note that like all OAuth provider, the identity of the signed up user with the OAuth provider may or may not have been verified.