Top 20 NuGet oauth2 Packages
Package Description
Access token validation middleware for JWT and reference tokens issued by IdentityServer3, based on JWT 5, Owin 4 and IdentityModel 3. Does not support BackchannelHttpHandler/BackchannelCertificateValidator/IntrospectionHttpHandler
Entity Framework layer for the administration of the IdentityServer4 and Asp.Net Core Identity with MySql support
Package to bootstrap IdentityServer4 SSO
Simple Oauth2 client.
Used with SimpleAuthentication, provides automated configuration for ASP.NET Mvc projects.
OAuth flow for scenarios with limited access to input devices or web browsers, like console apps, or IoT devices.
Deprecated. Use the strong named ServiceStack.Authentication.OAuth2 package instead.
Entity Framework 7 persistence layer for IdentityServer3
Provides various authenticators for user authentication in Crosslight apps, including HttpBasic, NTLM, OAuth, OAuth2, and WebAPI authenticator.
A middleware for validating signed HTTP requests for OAuth
IdentityServer3 Integration Library for ASP.NET Core
Entity Framework-based persistence layer for IdentityServer3,with MySql
MongoDB persistence layer for IdentityServer4
Secure Token Service, IdentityBase web interface
REST API Client Builder OAuth2 plugin for easy api calling from .NET