Top 20 NuGet nunit Packages

Library comparing different versions of an api using reflection to ensure compatibility with third party components.
Fluent, concise helpers for NUnit
A simple BDD class collection for use with NUnit
Test framework abstracts the boilerplate required to use an auto mocking container in a unit test project.
Test framework abstracts the boilerplate required to use an auto mocking container in a unit test project.
The base class TestFixture provides a registry for test features which are automatically disposed after each test case.
An extension of Kekiri to support SimpleInjector-aware ScenarioTests
Mono Gendarme NUnit boilerplate for tests
NUnit constraints for testing and validation XML.
Omnifactotum.NUnit: Provides helper and functional classes for testing with NUnit.
NUnit test runner for Xamarin Forms
Bundled command line tools to assist running your Joyride tests
NUnit 3.0 HTML report with screenshots, emails and test history
NUnit constraints for JSON data
An NUnit test runner which runs inside your ASP.NET application.
Proxy factory which creates objects recording every action to Nure.EventReport
Setup and teardown of service resources in unit testing and integration testing.
Setup http client resources
The library implements recorder and player of HTTP requests. When recording, a request to a remote service and its live response are serialized to JSON and saved to a file (cassette), so that next time the same request is made through the player it can be served with the previously recorded response...
A super quick localDb testing framework for use with Entity Framework. It uses a localDB instance for the entire test run's life. Each test's execution is wrapped into transaction to avoid test interfering with each other. This means the cost of setting up the DB is only paid once. That is when th...