Top 20 NuGet number Packages

Helps to generate all combinations of letters from given alphabet with different conditions and then pick over this dictionary in asynchronous way. It looks like pick over all values in n-ary number system. It can be very useful for test covering with all possible values.
Adds functionality to determine files by their Magic Numbers
An API to check if a number is prime using fermat's little theorem
Number To Words(Indian)
jQuery-numberformatter port to .NET (PCL)
Thread safe random number generator
Visite the website page Home,SqlError,About,BlodError,ConnectDB,DownloadFromBlod,ForHttpData,ForHttpError one time. So total 9 page views in Azure. It is suitable for all the MVC default projects
Visite the website page Home,SqlError,About,BlodError,ConnectDB,DownloadFromBlod,ForHttpData,ForHttpError one time. So total 9 page views in Azure. It is suitable for all the MVC default projects
Tools to validate and normalise national identifiers (social security numbers) of Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden.
This library converts a number to its equivalent representation in words like number 1923 will become one thousand nine hundred and twenty-three
Generate number random
WPF Custom Text Boxes like number box that only accepts digit and returns a string value, useful for zip code, mobile number etc, currency boxes that only supports decimal number.
This project allows you to validate UK Unique Tax Reference (UTR) Numbers. It also allows you to generate valid ones.
This package enables you to convert any number to word e.g 2 will be converted to two To use this package use type "NumberToWord.Convert(56);" To covert directly to currency format "NumberToWord.CurrencyFormat(15.326m, "Dollar", "Cent");"
Package Description
.NET Framework library
Beta version. Only the English version is available, the other versions, Arabic and French are under development.
Normalize phone number before place it in persistent storage. Transform normal phone number to international format before show it to user.