Top 20 NuGet nuget Packages

NuGetPackageUninstaller - removes a package from all projects with just Uninstall-PackageAll packageName
NuGetPackageUpdater - global update of a package in a project or all packages that have updates. This applies a global update of packages to your solution. Every project that is using a package is upgraded to the latest. Please run 'Update-Package' to upgrade all packages to current version. Plea...
Just writes out all of the nuget powershell variables. Also writes out to the %temp%\NuGetPSVariables directory three log files: * nuget.variables.init.ps1.log * nuget.variables.install.ps1.log * nuget.variables.uninstall.ps1.log
Java base NuGet Feed server
Trying to demo package management as a concept and showing off it's usage via nuget.
Simple utility than makes NuGet commandline remember feed password for the local machine. This NuGet addin reuses NuGet.Core logics for credentials persistance
Enable Package Restore - If you're like me and you enabled package restore and found it was broken on any given build server, you need to install this to fix package restore to the way it should work.
This is an example of a nuspec file
PowerShell script for generating acknowledgements pages from a project's NuGet package configuration
An MSBuild task to insert NuGet replacement tokens in C# files.
Provides some basic validations for .NET solutions using NuGet packages.
Provides some basic validations for .NET solutions using NuGet packages.
simplifies using tools in other nuget packages
Some useful string extensions
System.Linq.Dynamic for .NET 3.5 compiled .dll packaged for NuGet
Dalmatian Build Tools provides additional functionality to use C# as a build script and release script language. Note: This tool is currently in Alpha and is subject to change.
This little application creates a NuGet package automatically in an "post build" event with a version given by a specified .dll or .exe file. A readme file is included
Treats the "linked" folder in an dependend nuget package as an additional special folder and adds it's contents as link to the solution
You can use this NuGet package to make working with NuGet Package Restore easier from build servers. If you want to ship Build updates in a NuGet package then you can use this package to help users create scripts to resotre the NuGet packages before the build starts. For detailed info o...