Top 20 NuGet notification Packages
A server-side library for sending Push Notifications to iOS/OSX (APNS), Android/Chrome (GCM), Windows Phone/Windows (WNS), Amazon (ADM), Blackberry and Firefox OS
This is the xamarin library for push notification in mainland china via JiGuang 極光
Package Description
Provides end-to-end push messaging functionality to your Crosslight apps. Supports iOS, Android and Windows for the client platforms and .NET 4.5 for the server platforms.
WPF Control library for Toast Popup and Help Balloon.
Send Local Notifications across iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and Windows from a single API.
Ability to create, send and cancel local notifications.
This plugin makes it easy to register to Microsoft Azure Push Notifications from a Xamarin.Forms project and supports using Tags.
The supported projects are:
- Xamarin.Forms
- Xamarin.Android
- Windows Phone 8.1 RT
- Windows Phone Silverlight
- Windows Store 8
Fancy toast notification for WPF applications easy to use and support MVVM pattern. A small notification window with image, title and content displayed at the bottom of the screen. You can use the default implementation or build your own custom notification.Notifications added to a buffer queue then...
Turn any pull into a push, extensible and on a schedule
Fluent scheduler for PullingHook
sensenet Notification installer contains the install content for the library-only package SenseNet.Notification. This package should be installed only in a single web project. All other projects should reference the SenseNet.Notification dll-only package.
Xamarin.Android Binding for Hammad Akram's Sneaker v2. A lightweight Android library for customizable alerts
A fully and highly customizable material designed Toast for Android.
Blazor Components used at webenology
ObservableCollectionEx is designed to postpone or disable notifications during collection update. The ObservanleCollectionEx is a direct replacement for ObservableCollection and could be used without any code modifications.
Core library for the NotificationBar component and notification logic
Publish error notifications from NLog directly to AirBrake or an Errbit server.
Pushover client.