Top 20 NuGet nosql Packages

Plugin for RavenDB that extracts text from attachments so they can be indexed.
DensoDB is a new NoSQL document database. Written for .Net environment in c# language. It run in-process so you does not need any configuration or installation. Supports .Net Framework 4, 4.5, WinRT and Windows Phone 8
nMongo is a framework for MongoDB data operations performed in .NET, using Official MongoDB C# Driver.
Hypertable for Objects (x64)
This package contains EventStore implementations of the Event-Sourcing storage for the abstract AggregateRoot.
This package contains MongoDB implementations of the Event-Sourcing storage for the abstract AggregateRoot.
This package contains Microsoft SQL Server implementations of the Event-Sourceing storage for the abstract AggregateRoot.
Interfaces for abstracting NoSQL Databases
An abstraction above MongoDB Driver
An abstraction above ServiceStack.Redis
Contributed addons for the RavenDB Client Library
SiaqodbSyncMobile provide synchronization support of a local Siaqodb database with a server side database via Azure Mobile Services.
Application assemblies for the Correspondence collaboration framework. Add the package Correspondence.App for source files.
Multiple-client test suite for the Correspondence collaboration framework. Add the package Correspondence.UnitTest for source files.
MVC application template for the Correspondence collaboration framework. Add the package Correspondence.Web.App for source files.
CqlSharp.Linq contains a Linq-to-Cql provider for use with the Apache Cassandra database. Main features are: * Translation of Linq queries to CQL select statements. * All CQL functions are supported, as well as tokens and the allow filtering clause. * Consistency and Paging ...
Recursive Data Framework for local and cloud data which is very quick and fun.
An NLog logging extension to process CqlSharp logs through the NLog library. CqlSharp is a high performance, asynchronous Cassandra CQL binary protocol client implementing the ADO.NET data provider interfaces. See for details.