Top 20 NuGet nlp Packages

Turkish Named Entity Recognition.
Turkish morphological analysis, disambiguation and word generation.
Enlighten is a set of tools to help with natural language processing.
Microsoft.Recognizers.Text.DateTime provides robust recognition and resolution of Date and Time expressed in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Chinese, German, Italian, and Turkish. This is exact same library as the Microsoft.Recognizers.* packages, but with compiled Regex.
Microsoft.Recognizers.Text provides base classes for robust recognition and resolution of text entities. This is exact same library as the Microsoft.Recognizers.* packages, but with compiled Regex.
The Apache OpenNLP library is a machine learning based toolkit for the processing of natural language text. It supports the most common NLP tasks, such as tokenization, sentence segmentation, part-of-speech tagging, named entity extraction, chunking, parsing, and coreference resolution. These tasks ...
A portable WordNet Engine that can fastly loads WordNet lexical database files and allows multiple SynSet operations for semantic analysis. WordNet® is a registered trademark of Princeton University.
C# Library for HebrewNLP API
Automatic accent (stress) prediction for Russian language
.NET Vector words library for Russian language
.NET Morphological library for Russian language
Morfologik Stemming Library. Morfologik is a project aiming at generating Polish morphosyntactic dictionaries (hence the name) used for part-of-speech tagging and part-of-speech synthesis.
Morfologik Stemming (Polish Dictionary). Morfologik is a project aiming at generating Polish morphosyntactic dictionaries (hence the name) used for part-of-speech tagging and part-of-speech synthesis.
Provides a language model compression algorithm.
Fast identification of text language.
Contains specialized data structures and helper classes.
Text classification based on Java port of fastText project.
Port of OpenNLP that targets .NET Standard 2.0 - C# port of the Java OpenNLP tools retrieved from
Hash2Vec tool for vectorizing text to numerical vector. The basis of this algorithm is the principle of obtaining a vector based on the morphological structure of the word and coding this basis of the word into a numerical vector. Hash2Vec can be used in two operating modes: in fuzzy search mode and...
Detect the language of a text using naive a Bayesian filter with generated language profiles from Wikipedia abstract xml, 99% over precision for 53 languages. Original author: Nakatani Shuyo.