Top 20 NuGet netstandard Packages

A .NET Standard library for using the Rates Exchange API.
EntityFramework storage provider for generic OData API implementation
This is updated punchclock nuget that supports Reactive 4.0 There is a problem on Android when compiling System.Threading.Tasks.Extension need to downgrade from 4.5.1 to 4.0.0 Original was not upfated for a while.
A lightweight, highly compatible .NET Standard library for simplifying the consumption of REST APIs
Provides classes and utilities for building parsers uses XPath selectors.
my own AvalonEdit enhancement
Cross Framework For NetCore, NetFramework and Xamarin Projects.
Provides extension methods for conveniently decorating Functional.CQS handler implementations with metrics-capturing concerns: - Functional.CQS.IQueryHandler<TQuery, TResult> - Functional.CQS.IAsyncQueryHandler<TQuery, TResult> - Functional.CQS.ICommandHandler<TCommand, TError> - Functional.CQS.IAsy...
Defines a distributed cache using Redis that implements Functional.CQS.AOP.Caching.Infrastructure.IFunctionalCache
Sync extensions for Piranha
Azure Cosmos db Auto Scale.