Top 20 NuGet netstandard2.0 Packages

ProEnum - Custom Enumeration implementation
Generic C# messaging service (sub/pub) to allow communication between different modules. Derived from the MvxExtensions.Plugin.Notification
Generic C# messaging service (sub/pub) to allow communication between different modules. Derived from the MvxExtensions.Plugin.Notification
A collection of extension methods for better string representations (e.g. IEnumerable and specializations for IList, ISet and IDictionary, TimeSpan).
A collection of classes to simplify basic concurrency patterns like associating a lock with an object.
A library for creating tables.
A library for measuring performance.
A library containing a Property class that supports bindings, mapping bindings, readonly views and notifications via INotifyPropertyChanged.
A modern cross-platform managed FreeType2 library.
This is the official package for the Parse .NET Standard SDK. Add a cloud backend to any platform supporting .NET Standard 2.0 with this simple-to-use SDK.
Platform agnostic, .NET Standard 2.0 library for communicating with MetaMotion / MetaWear boards. Due to its platform agnostic nature, this package is only an API for the BLE communication protocol; users of this package will need to plugin their own BLE stack and file i/o code. Check out the M...
One signal client targeting .Net Framework 4.5.2 and .Net Standard for .Net Core 2.0+ support.
One signal client targeting .Net Framework 4.5.2 and .Net Standard for .Net Core 2.0+ support. Feel Free to contribute! :)
Goodreads .NET API Client Library
Provides NetStandard2.0 Bluetooth LE and file i/o code for .NET Core applications using the MetaWear C# SDK. Developers designing Windows 10 applications should instead use the MetaWear.CSharp.Win10 plugin
A library for building command line interfaces.
DataBse.DapperForSqlServer is a class library tool that connects to SqlServer database by using Dapper driver
DataBse.DapperForMySql is a class library tool that connects to MySql database by using Dapper driver