Top 20 NuGet netmf Packages
uScoober Threading (Tasks)
uScoober Threading (Tasks) for UI (DispatcherTaskScheduler)
uScoober Driver: Spot Analog Input
uScoober Driver: Spot Digital Input/Output
uScoober Driver: Spot Pwm Output
uScoober Feature: I2C Scanner
uScoober Driver: Spot I2C bus
uScoober Driver: Spot SPI bus
A text-based display driver for SSD1306 I2C OLED displays, targeting .NET MicroFramework 4.3+ and Netduino Plus hardware platform.
The driver works with I2C interface (only) and offers basic text rendering using bitmapped fonts. Two very minimal fonts are included
but because fonts have ...
This library provides Networking helper classes for the .Net Micro Framework on Molecule.Net boards
This library provides .Net Micro Framework support for the ESP8266 family of serial-interface wifi boards
This library provides Networking helper classes for accessing Microsoft Azure using the PervasiveDigital serial wifi stack and .Net Micro Framework
This library provides managed implementations of selected security functions, including SHA2, HMACSHA256 and more.
This is useful when working with .Net Micro Framework chips that do not have the native Crypto features enabled.
The managed implementations will run significantly slower, b...
This library provides .Net Micro Framework logging and diagnostics support for other Pervasive Digital packages
uScoober Driver Interface: Arduino Pin Compat
uScoober.TestFramework: LED Display Interface
uScoober.TestFramework: Character Display Interface
This project has the purpose to provide all the same APIs to access the Microsoft Azure Service Bus (Queues, Topics/Subscriptions, Event Hubs) you have on .Net Framework but also for .Net Micro Framework, .Net Compact Framework 3.9, Mono (on Linux) and WinRT (Windows 8.1 and Windows 10) using AMQP p...
This is a compact version of AMQP.Net Lite for .NET Micro Framework build for Eclo Solutions SIM800H IoT module.