Top 20 NuGet net Packages

+ Cryptography Helper + String Helper + Vietnamese currency reader + DateTimeHelper + File Helper + Enum Helper
MvxExtensions provide a set of libraries that extend the awesome MvvmCross framework. This package contains the 'Core' libraries of MvxExtensions to use with Xamarin.Forms For more info check the documentation
MvxExtensions provide a set of libraries that extend the awesome MvvmCross framework. This package contains the Droid.Support libraries of MvxExtensions For more info check the documentation
A concurrency and state library for .NET, shines in net call services.
Steeltoe Messaging Base
Stimulsoft Reports.ANGULAR is a cross-platform set of tools for working with reports, designed for using it in Angular. The product is compatible with all versions of the framework and contains everything you need to create, edit, build, view, and export reports. The components are developed using J...
BTheme of the Poste Italiane web template with B-Arts Framework
A wrapper for better JSON serialization of GBX.NET nodes, useful for comparing data.
The ASP.Net Core easy-integration support for Quan.Framework, the cross-platform base framework useful for all projects that use .Net Core
A collection of helper methods and classes for .NET that I use every day. I have packed them in a single library to avoid code duplication.
A checkbox implementation for Xamarin.Forms made with the awesome SkiaSharp library.
Manage easyly your classes models validations in .NET by customizing different properties rules.
[Experimental] Add support for OperationResults to the Vertical Slice pipeline.
Setup entity initilization for our project.
Core models for Endpointer.
Quickly consume an API using Endpointer.Accounts.API endpoints.
EFDatatable is a helper to create a grid with Jquery Datatable and provides an extension to retrive data generically from Entity Framework context. It possible to use many datatable.js features with Tag Helper. It gives serverside or client side options.
The ultimate dirty YouTube library. Parses public metadata on YouTube videos, lets you download them and much more. Does not require an API key and does not impose usage quotas.
Grid controls for ASP.NET MVC projects.
Mvc.Grid core dll without content files.