Top 20 NuGet native Packages

Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel® IPP) provides developers with high-quality, production-ready, low-level building blocks for image processing, signal processing, and data processing (data compression and decompression) applications. This package provides C programming language interf...
Intel(R) Data Analytics Acceleration Library (Intel(R) DAAL) helps speed up big data analysis by providing highly optimized algorithmic building blocks for all stages of data analytics (preprocessing, transformation, analysis, modeling, validation, and decision making) in batch, online, and distribu...
Intel(R) Data Analytics Acceleration Library (Intel(R) DAAL) helps speed up big data analysis by providing highly optimized algorithmic building blocks for all stages of data analytics (preprocessing, transformation, analysis, modeling, validation, and decision making) in batch, online, and distribu...
CodePorting.Native Cs2Cpp is a framework to automatically port code from C# to C++. Ported code can be compiled using Visual Studio, GCC or Clang and can run on Windows and Linux. This package features an API used to emulate .Net calls from ported code.
Ice C++ SDK for Visual Studio 2019 (v142). The Ice framework provides everything you need to build networked applications, including RPC, pub/sub, server deployment, and more.
PDFium library without V8 and XFA modules.
Portable Network Graphics library. When using v142 tools, do not forget to set the 'Runtime Library' in 'Project Master Settings -> C/C++ Settings', otherwise you'll get linker errors.
C++ event waiting library
JSON parser and DOM C++ library
Signal Sciences IIS module
Xamarin.Android Binding for CameraKit's CameraKit. Android Library for Camera 1 and 2 APIs. Massively increase stability and reliability of photo and video capture on all Android devices.
Fileversion Management for RePag-DLL-Files
Extension methods for WPF Windows, exposing API to external user32 methods.
Development enviroment for oneVPL on 64-bit Windows Accelerated Video Processing with a Unified Programming API
Development enviroment for oneVPL on 64-bit Linux Accelerated Video Processing with a Unified Programming API
oneDNN development package with Visual C++ OpenMP runtime support Intel(R) oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (Intel(R) oneDNN) is an open-source cross-platform performance library of basic building blocks for deep learning applications. The library is optimized for Intel Architecture Processors, I...
oneDNN redistributable package with TBB runtime support Intel(R) oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (Intel(R) oneDNN) is an open-source cross-platform performance library of basic building blocks for deep learning applications. The library is optimized for Intel Architecture Processors, Intel Proce...
oneDNN development package with TBB runtime support Intel(R) oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (Intel(R) oneDNN) is an open-source cross-platform performance library of basic building blocks for deep learning applications. The library is optimized for Intel Architecture Processors, Intel Processor...
oneDNN redistributable package with Intel OpenMP runtime support Intel(R) oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (Intel(R) oneDNN) is an open-source cross-platform performance library of basic building blocks for deep learning applications. The library is optimized for Intel Architecture Processors, In...
oneDNN development package with Intel OpenMP runtime support Intel(R) oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (Intel(R) oneDNN) is an open-source cross-platform performance library of basic building blocks for deep learning applications. The library is optimized for Intel Architecture Processors, Intel ...