Top 20 NuGet native Packages

Modern, powerful open source C++ class libraries for building network- and internet-based applications that run on desktop, server, mobile and embedded systems.
Modern, powerful open source C++ class libraries for building network- and internet-based applications that run on desktop, server, mobile and embedded systems.
HorizonInteract Plugin Demo Project Editor dll, no source code, only for Win64 and mac editor
Eigen is a C++ template library for linear algebra: matrices, vectors, numerical solvers, and related algorithms.
The Immersive Experience Toolkit (or ImExTk, “I-Mex-T-K”) contains the special de-warping software that is needed to provide the full “Panomersive” viewing experience for Pelco’s Optera cameras. The purpose of the ImExTk is to make it as easy as possible to add full support of these new cameras to ...
Redistributable components for package 'AWSSDKCPP-CloudSearchDomain'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).
Redistributable components for package 'AWSSDKCPP-EC2'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).
Redistributable components for package 'AWSSDKCPP-ECS'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).
Redistributable components for package 'AWSSDKCPP-Firehose'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).
Redistributable components for package 'AWSSDKCPP-Lambda'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).
Redistributable components for package 'AWSSDKCPP-Snowball'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).
Redistributable components for package 'AWSSDKCPP-KinesisAnalytics'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).
Redistributable components for package 'AWSSDKCPP-IdentityManagement'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).
Redistributable components for package 'AWSSDKCPP-Polly'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).
Redistributable components for package 'AWSSDKCPP-XRay'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).
Redistributable components for package 'AWSSDKCPP-LexModelBuildingService'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).
Redistributable components for package 'AWSSDKCPP-Queues'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).
Redistributable components for package 'AWSSDKCPP-SMS'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).
libpng is a library for reading and writing PNG images. Homepage:
libssh2 is a client-side C library implementing the SSH2 protocol. libssh2 homepage: