Top 20 NuGet nancyfx Packages

The NancyFX extension package for Http Problem Details according to RFC 7807.
An endpoint implementation for the residence store protocol, as a Nancy Module.
ElmahR Api client for extended ElmahR dashboard using a Nancy endpoint (
Extended ElmahR dashboard using a Nancy endpoint to receive errors from anywhere.
Adds Nancy view location conventions for mobile views suffixed with -mobile
A base library to support passing settings from server side (ie. web.config) to client side.
HtmlHelper extensions for the Razor view engine to make it easy to output client app settings
Simple custom error handling for Nancyfx projects
A library to extend your response payload with the Collection+Json hypermedia media type
Installs a NancyFx Module that provides language detection as a web endpoint. The host project is responsible for providing the hosting services for Nancy as described here The motivation for providing this as a non-hosted solution it give consumers a choice of...
Nancy integration for NotDeadYet.
Type-safe client-server communication for C# featuring Bridge.NET and NancyFx.
Library providing Spring Boot's Actuator-like features to a NancyFx application.
HTML Helpers for #NancyFx's Razor implementation
HTML Helpers for #NancyFx's Razor implementation
SQL Server connectivity health check for the NancyActuator library.
Redis connectivity health check for the NancyActuator library.
PostgreSQL connectivity health check for the NancyActuator library.
Mongo connectivity health check for the NancyActuator library.