Top 20 NuGet mvvm Packages

The small and smart MVVM framework made with ❤ for Xamarin.Forms.
Observable Vector makes it easy to use the IObservableVector<T> interface in your Windows app. Find us on GitHub at
Observable Vector makes it easy to use the IObservableVector<T> interface in your Windows app. This is the non-generic version which can be used in non-.NET projects targeting the Windows Store, such as C++/CX or JavaScript. Find us on GitHub at
ensamblado con funcionalidades para WPF y MVVM
The mvvm pattern for wpf application.
DataAnnotation and Validation Framework for Winforms
Allows wider MVVM pattern reuse across WarHub package libraries.
Small toolkit for WPF applications using MVVM pattern.
Extension of SwollenMvvmToolking.Core to integrate with Calibur.Micro framework.
Bare minimum MVVM implementation. Portable.
A MVVM - ViewModel first Bootstrapper (Navigation + Dependency Injection + Properties Injection)
(RENAMED TO DashMVVM) Please uninstall this library and replace it with DashMVVM. In your code update all FeatherView occurences to DashView and FeatherViewModel to DashViewModel. Apologies for the inconvinience.
Inspired by MvvmCross for Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS, this is a basic Mvvm library for WinForms that seeks to channel the ease, structure and clarity that simple, robust and predictable databinding brings to apps.
Lightweight MVVM framework supporting navigation, validation and providing implementation of Observalble Object and some Commands.
This NuGet adds the MVVM ViewModelBase class for usage in WPF. All classes that inherit from ViewModelBase will have the INotifyPropertyChanged interface, with the caller member name attribute. There are also 2 useful classes. RelayCommand - allows you to create an anonymous command using lambda exp...