Top 20 NuGet moq Packages

A Dynamics CRM 2015 mocking framework for plug-ins, custom workflows, and applications.
Auto-mocked Unit Testing with Local Functions 🐯 Use the traditional Unit Testing Frameworks to write TDD or BDD tests: ✔️ Arrange / Act / Assert ✔️ Given / When / Then ✔️ Context / Specification Use Moq to: ✔️ Mock / Fake / Stub
Extension methods for setupping mock values of Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.IConfiguration.
Managed Fusion Testing Framework contains common mocking senarios that help setup tests
Auto mocking of test method parameters with xUnit and Moq. Similar to Jukito for Java, see Check out the project site for some usage examples.
O Thunder é um framework .Net que auxilia no desenvolvimento com métodos de validação, exibição de mensagens entre outros.
Remove the ceremony from your test classes. Easily mock your dependencies using the testable pattern. AutoWrockTestable is an adaptation of Richard Cirerol's AutoMocking wrapper that uses StructureMap's AutoMocking assembly along with the popular MOQ mocking toolset to make it easy to test classes a...
Grace.FakeItEasy provides integration classes between Fake it Easy and Grace (Dependency Injection Container)
TDD is dead : only for legacy code that doesn't have HardMock! Record your Mock from integration test when you have lots of Legacy code.
A simple and easily customized mocking library using ServiceWire's proxy builder.
Mock your Entity Framework contexts with ease.
DynMock is a mocking framework supports dynamic classes. Also, DynMock's current comparative tests shows that it can run mock significantly faster than FakeItEasy, Moq, and NSubstitute. Note that the current DynMock comparative tests for Moq and NSubstitute are not covering most of their functionali...
This package provides automatic Automatic Factory functionality similar to Castle.Windsor Typed Factories, for the Autofac IoC container.
UmbracoContext and ApplicationContext mocking helper for Umbraco 7 unit testing. This package is intended to be installed in your web project.
Adapter classes to use with the XrmMoq framework for Dynamics CRM 2016/365 for plug-ins, custom workflows, and applications.
在单元测试(Unit Test)时,如果使用Moq作为隔离框架,并需要模似(Mock) DbContext(Entity Framework Core)下的DbSet<Entity>,本项目给出了解决方案,可以用List<Entity>或Entity[],模拟DbSet<Entity>完成测试操作。
Moq extension to mock DbDataReader with a list
AssertJ style fluent assertions for the Moq mocking framework.
Simple full-featured automocking framework
Moq extension methods and syntax helpers used by SparkyTestHelpers.Moq and SparkyTestHelpers.Moq.Fluent