Top 20 NuGet monitoring Packages

Core library for api use and extensibility entry point to the TitanHRE REST API set
Log API Calls to Moesif API Analytics
Fully automated MVVM library. The library observes properties, analyzes changes, and raises change notifications.
Provides ElasticSearch reporting capability to App Metrics
App Metrics Formatting, formatting metrics data to Elasticsearch formats
Application Insights EventSourceListener allows sending data from EventSource events to Application Insights. Application Insights will collect your logs from multiple sources and provide rich powerful search capabilities. Privacy statement:
OcAgent exporter for OpenCensus
An open-source Redis plugins and extensions library for AnyStatus. For more information visit
DSM Libraries - Orm Service
DSM Libraries Gateway Engine
Elastic APM for Entity Framework 6. This package contains auto instrumentation for Entity Framework 6. See:
Elastic APM .NET Agent base package. This package provides core functionality for transmitting of all Elastic APM types and is a dependent package for all other Elastic APM package. Additionally this package contains the public Agent API that allows you to manually capture transactions and spans. Pl...
Steeltoe library for enabling dynamic management of Serilog
Elastic APM .NET Agent base package. This package provides core functionality for transmitting of all Elastic APM types and is a dependent package for all other Elastic APM package. Additionally this package contains the public Agent API that allows you to manually capture transactions and spans. Pl...
Library for feeding data into Graphite and StatsD.
Capturing CLR and application-level metrics.