Top 20 NuGet modules Packages

Bootstrap for Service Fabric OWIN Stateless Services
Mocks of Owin Framework interfaces to use in your unit tests
This package provides additional types and extension methods specifically for using ModulEngine with ASP.NET Core, including simplified configuration and improved logging
BricksFx is designed to write independent modules that can be reutilized easily.
Core features for modularity.
Components for work with Visual Studio through SobaScript -- Extensible Modular Scripting Programming Language Provides at least the following: * DTEComponent For work with [EnvDTE]( ```...
Extended Core components for SobaScript -- Extensible Modular Scripting Programming Language Provides at least the following: * SevenZipComponent ``` #[7z pack.files({"IntelOCL.log", "IntelChipset.log"}, "ilog.7z")] #[7z pack.files...
Core components for SobaScript -- Extensible Modular Scripting Programming Language Provides at least the following: * ConditionComponent Supports composite conditions with limited short-circuit evaluation (separately for all brackets) Additional Operato...
Common Web helpers
Bootstrap for Service Fabric Stateful Services
Bootstrap for Service Fabric Stateless Services
Bootstrap for Service Fabric Reliable Actors
Startup system and service registration for a DI container.
Package to facilitate bootstrapping Reliable Services that require Reliable Collections upon construction.
Enables support for DI/IOC in startup.
CIL compiled templates library (Cecil target)
A reusable, highly opinionated drop-in component for loading, creating and managing app plugins or modules.