Top 20 NuGet module Packages

Generates PowerShell help files and display format files as part of the build process for PowerShell snap-ins and binary modules. Information can be gathered from standard attributes (eg, [Cmdlet] and [Parameter]), source code XML documentation comments and sidecar descriptor assemblies.
MEF powered simple plugin system
The module that implements Deveel Repository pattern for abstracting the Entity Framework functionalities
System.Waf is a lightweight framework that helps you to create well-structured XAML applications. This package contains the UWP (Universal Windows Platform) specific types.
Cake module for supporting downloading files from url's in the #load directive.
SDK for building process automation modules on Helios platform.
ADSPrev Framework Module Web
Records file processing domain module
Generic processing domain module
Cecil is a library written by Jb Evain to generate and inspect programs and libraries in the ECMA CIL format. It has full support for generics, and support some debugging symbol format. In simple English, with Cecil, you can load existing managed assemblies, browse all the contained types, modify th...