Top 20 NuGet mocking Packages

FrameworkAbstraction provides wrapper interfaces around .NET framework classes which interact with the operating system (e.g. classes in the System.IO.File and System.Net.Sockets namespaces). This allows for mocking of these classes in unit tests.
PCLMock is mocking framework in a PCL, making it usable on platforms such as iOS and Android.
Yet another testing framework.
HTTP API mocking library
Hyperbolic Solutions simple mocking framework for unit testing
Initial releaseAssistant that will bind all your services, adapters etc. with a single command, while still using any IoC you may wish, or sticking to the default MVC implementation. In your Startup.cs file invoke BindDependencies() on IServicesCollection and pass in required parameters. Every Inte...
Enables testing of BizTalk integrations with dynamic send ports
Test helpers for Mendham.Domain using Moq
A mocking framework capable of mocking .NET and .NET Core static methods
Chet is a simple, minimal, mocking framework for .NET Core 2.0.
HTTP API mocking library
HTTP API mocking library
Provides functionality to help with testing code that has dependencies on parts of ASP.NET Core.
Extends AutoFixture with the ability to register mocked ASP.NET Core Options.
Provides functionality for registering Moq mocks with AutoFixture fixtures.
Extends Autofac with the ability to register mocked or null-patterned ASP.NET Core Options. This package is for Autofac version 5. For an identical API on Autofac version 4, see `FGS.Tests.Support.Autofac4.Mocking.Options`.
Extends Autofac with the ability to register null-patterned ASP.NET Core loggers. This package is for Autofac version 5. For an identical API on Autofac version 4, see `FGS.Tests.Support.Autofac4.Mocking.Logging`.
Provides functionality for registering Moq mocks with an Autofac container. This package is for Autofac version 5. For an identical API on Autofac version 4, see `FGS.Tests.Support.Autofac4.Mocking`.
Generate mock data for POCO
Provides functionality for mocking application hosting and hosting middleware components to ease in the testing of same.