Top 20 NuGet mock Packages

ORM Mock data generator and in-memory database.
AutoMoq built for Unity5
Extensions.Logging.ListOfString logs to a list of string so you can test your logging : ``` ILoggerFactory factory=new LoggerFactory.AddProvider(new StringListLoggerProvider()) ILogger logger= factory.CreateLogger("Test1"); ...tests... ; StringListLogger.Instance .LoggedLines .ShouldContain(...
NetMock is a .NET network service mock framework, inspired by Moq syntax, providing the ability to mock REST and web socket APIs from within a test framework of choice.
Need to mock some data? This tool allows you to generate entity records with randomized data.
AltV .NET Core Server Mock Api
Inject wrappers around unmockable objects. Use *Unmockable.Wrap* to wrap and *Unmockable.Intercept* to intercept calls to the unmockable object.
Intercept calls on wrappers around unmockable objects.
Add wrappers for all unmockable objects to the service collection.
Record your test suite's HTTP interactions and replay them during future test runs for fast, deterministic, accurate tests.
Provides the ability to send HttpWebRequest and get HttpWebResponses without a server. You can mock all available properties from HttpWebResponse .Net object with a json configuration file. This tool is not intrusive. With dependency injection you can simply switch between your own implementation o...
Service Fabric Contribution Mocks Library
Service for providing, converting, and faking date times.
An easy to use mockable clock. Pass WallClock to your services in production/dev code and use MockClock in unit tests; or, if you don't want to pass around a clock, do Clock.Default = new MockClock(); in your unit tests.
Data providers and structures for mock data and scenarios
Mocks for Sample Applications With Xamarin.Forms
A simple library to make testing HttpClient and related classes easier.