Top 20 NuGet minifier Packages
BundleTransformer.WG contains one minifier-adapter for minification of CSS code - `WgCssMinifier`. `WgCssMinifier` is based on the WebGrease Semantic CSS minifier.
The Web Markup Minifier (abbreviated WebMarkupMin) is a .NET library that contains a set of markup minifiers. The objective of this project is to improve the performance of web applications by reducing the size of HTML, XHTML and XML code.
WebMarkupMin absorbed the best of existing solutions from n...
Trivial compile-time Razor HTML Minifier for ASP.NET MVC 5.
WebMarkupMin.AspNet.Common is auxiliary package, that contains classes and interfaces for all ASP.NET extensions.
BundleTransformer.Closure contains two minifier-adapters for minification of JS code: `ClosureRemoteJsMinifier` and `ClosureLocalJsMinifier`. These adapters perform minification by using the Google Closure Compiler.
JSMin.NET is a .NET port of the Douglas Crockford's JSMin (
WebMarkupMin.AspNetCore3 contains one ASP.NET Core 3.1+ Middleware - `WebMarkupMinMiddleware`.
Basic html output minifier for Razor View Engine. Based on work of &
Mashes, minifies (Google Closure Tools, YUI Compressor for .Net, Ajax Minifier, or Uglify.js), and validates your javascript (JsHint), stylesheet (CSSLint), and dotless files. | Please install with chocolatey (
BundleTransformer.Packer contains one minifier-adapter for minification of JS code - `EdwardsJsMinifier`. `EdwardsJsMinifier` is based on the Dean Edwards' Packer.
HTML Minifier (html-minifier) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Punchy is a .NET library for web applications that minifies and combines javascript and css files into pre-configured bundles at runtime. It is based on Pithy.
As of Cruncher This package becomes obsolete.
Cruncher makes optimising your resources easy. It can bundle unlimited combinations of remote and local CSS, LESS, SASS, SCSS, JavaScript, and CoffeeScript files.
Combining them, minifying them and caching them in the browser, Cruncher ca...
PVC Plugin for executing Microsoft Ajax Minifier.
Minify *.js and *.css files by making use of the Microsoft AJAX Minifier.
Minifies *.js and *.css files by making use of the YUI Compressor.
Html minifier middleware using Zeta Html Compressor for ASPNET5-beta5.