Top 20 NuGet migrations Packages

NativoPlusStudio.AuthToken.SqlServerCaching is part of the NativoPlusStudio.AuthToken set of libraries that can be used to store the auth token into a sql server cache and later retrieve it.
Module which enables database code first migrations functionality.
Curiosity.Migrations is a migration framework that uses SQL scripts and code migration to alter your database schema or seed a data.
ThinkingHome.Migrator provider for SQLite
ThinkingHome.Migrator provider for PostgreSQL
.NET Core database migration tool
ThinkingHome.Migrator provider for MS SQL Server
ThinkingHome.Migrator provider for MySQL
ThinkingHome.Migrator provider for Oracle
Cassandra Fluent Migrator is a library that offers a set of fluent code and extensions to facilitate the creation and management of the migrations using code instead of CQL commands.
npgsql + dapper, simple retrying and migrations
Package Manager Console scripts for DbUp. New-Migration [Name] and Start-Migrations commands help to make creating and running DbUp migrations easy.
A .NetCore CLI tool to enable EF6 migrations in an Asp.Net Core app.
Migrations for RavenDB
Sharp migrations is a framework to help you deal with database changes and versioning over time. The idea comes from the excellent Ruby on Rails migrations and it is the best way to alter your database in a structured and organised manner.
An awesome ORM for querying and modifying databases.
Migration framework for Umbraco (Core+UI).
Package manager console command "Add-Migration" that creates an sql file with date and time (yyyyMMddHHmmss) in the file name (e.g. 20170730185349_Migration.sql)
Adds a command to the package manager console to generate migrations for FluentMigrator.