Top 20 NuGet migration Packages
EFAutomation is a convention based extension library for Entity Framework to automate several tasks currently cumbersome to do. It allows developers to create an Entity Framework based Context without having to specify each entity by putting it as DbSet<> as property.
A migration helper from ClickOnce to Squirrel.Windows.
Dirtybase is a persistence version/migration command line tool. Dirtybase will compare version files in a folder to the version of a data store, then apply the version files in order to migrate the data store to the latest version. This is useful for keeping data stores on different environments up ...
Toolkit for configuring Entity Framework to work with PostgreSQL database using Npgsql.
Database migration runner based around using NPoco
A simply tool to facility TDD in database migration using FluentMigrator.
SQLiteMigrations is a .NET Portable Class Library (PCL) to enable database schema management for SQLitePCL.raw built on top of SQLitePCL.pretty.
Migration and orm extension for MongoDB
Implementation of migration context of DbMigrator for Npgsql
Simple migration for databases on .NET
A high performer migration library for PostgreSQL.
A high performer migration library.
A high performer migration library for SQLite
PostgreSQL provider for Marvin.Migration (migration tool for .NET: supports sql script migrations and custom migrations written by C#)
Small library to implement migration methods for classes serialized and stored as JSON
Entity framework 6.x migration provider for SQLite - This is a more extensible copy of
For more details see
ServiceCollection extensions
Simple MongoDB versioning & migrations
ADatabaseFixture.GalacticWasteManagement, GalacticWasteManagement migration plugin for ADatabaseFixture
ADatabaseFixture.FluentMigrator, FluentMigrator migration plugin for ADatabaseFixture