Top 20 NuGet microsoft Packages

Implementation of a Custom Output for Microsoft.Diagnostics.EventFlow to write log events to a Sql Server table
The required assemblies for Microsoft.AnalysisServices
Provides developers with a library to create and manage machine learning compute resources.
MacroView.VSTO is a collection of assemblies that makes working with Microsoft VSTO easier. This package contains the code that applies to all Microsoft Office applications. Specifically: - Extension methods - WPF helpers - Logging classes
Package Description
NOTE: This .NET Framework library is in maintenance mode and it will be deprecated soon. Please upgrade to the new .NET Standard library ( to continue to get the latest features supported. This client library enables working with the M...
Unofficial Microsoft Sql Server Managment Objects v14.0.17213.0 as packaged with Microsoft Sql Server Management Studio v17.4 Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo.dll Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfoExtended.dll Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc.dll Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll Microsoft.SqlSer...
Microsoft Custom Decision Service REST based API.
This client library adds file management capabilities to client applications built with the Azure Mobile Apps SDK. For more information, check out
Provides virtual network management capabilities for Microsoft Azure.
Provides Microsoft Azure Traffic Manager management operations for Microsoft Azure including the ability to create, update, list, and delete Traffic Manager profiles and definitions.
Provides capabilities to manage Microsoft Azure StorSimple.
Provides store management operations for Microsoft Azure.
Provides Microsoft Azure Service Bus management operations for Microsoft Azure including the ability to create, delete, list and update Namespaces, Topics, Queues and Notification Hubs.
Provides express route management capabilities to developers. Create, delete, list, retrieve dedicated circuits, bgp peerings, dedicated circuit links, and more.
Legacy package, Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Jobs.Host is now included in the 'Microsoft.Azure.Jobs' package.
Legacy package, Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Jobs is now included in the 'Microsoft.Azure.Jobs.Core' package.
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Framework prelease