Top 20 NuGet messaging Packages

Client library for simple TCP messaging.
Send and receive messages using the CloudEvents format.
High performance concurrency framework
.NET for Android (formerly Xamarin.Android) Bindings for Xamarin.Google.UserMessagingPlatform UMP package
Package Description
A package which provides producer and consumer implementations for DipScope.Messaging.MessageStore based on Apache Kafka.
A package which provides implementation of DipScope.Messaging.MessageStore based on entity framework core.
A package which extends DipScope.Messaging package and adds support for message scheduling and producing to external systems.
A package which provides implementation of DipScope.Messaging.EventStore based on entity framework core.
A package which adds event sourcing support for DipScope.Messaging.MessageStore package. It provides implementation for storing events.
A package which will help you to register all DipScope.Messaging.MessageStore.Kafka services in .NET Core application.
A package which will help you to register all DipScope.Messaging services in .NET Core application.
C# UDP multicast message library
Use this with Windows Azure Service Bus (for Windows Store). It adds Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Messaging.winmd to your project. This package is for developing Windows Store applications
StackExchange.Redis.Extensions.LegacyConfiguration is a library that allows you to use App.Config or WebConfig with StackExchange.Redis.Extensions
The netzmq project contains .NET bindings for ZeroMQ, an open-source, high performance transport layer. The project provides an idiomatic, test-friendly API and targets the Any CPU platform. Everything needed to write ZeroMQ programs is bundled in the netzmq assembly for both 32- and 64-bit platform...
Retlang is a high performance C# threading library (see Jetlang for a version in Java). The library is intended for use in message based concurrency similar to event based actors in Scala. The library does not provide remote messaging capabilities. It is designed specifically for high performance in...
The Cloud Application Framework & Extensions (CloudFx) is a Swiss Army knife for Windows Azure developers which offers a set of production quality components and building blocks intended to jump-start the implementation of feature-rich, reliable and extensible Windows Azure-based solutions and servi...
Currently customers writing Azure ServiceBus queue consumer need to write code to receive messages from a queue/subscription. This sample intends to simplify consuming messages using a WCF based approach. This packages adds a folder with the implementation of this WCF based solution and also adds a...