Top 20 NuGet messagepack Packages

A simple, high performance RPC library.
A simple, high performance RPC library.
A simple, high performance RPC library.
A simple, high performance RPC library.
A simple, high performance RPC library.
The complete library that provides smart extension methods to read and write CSV, JSON, ZFO, MessagePack files. Optimized for performance.
MessagePack serialization for TagCache.Redis
CommonSerializer.MsgPack.Cli Class Library
Extension classes for ISession and IDistributedCache, enabling the functionality to set or get objects of any type using fast MessagePack serializer with LZ4 compression algorithm.
MessagePack serialization for TagCache.Redis
Message Pack serialization for FloxDc's Cache Flow
This library adds support for LanguageExt types to MessagePack C#.
MessagePack (de)serialization support for Ardalis.SmartEnum.
Two-layer caching strategy (MemoryCache + Redis) for ASP.NET applications
Package Description
MessagePack-RPC is fast and interoperable RPC framework using MessagePack serialization protocol. This library provides MessagePack-RPC for Common Language Infrastructure environments.
MessagePack Response for Nancy
Media type formatter for MessagePack.