Top 20 NuGet measurement Packages
Measurement units package to help converting units. The biggest advantage of this library is that it's type safe.
DEPRECATED! Use UnitsNet 4.0.0 or later instead, which is now signed. This package will be unlisted sometime later. Get all the common units of measurement and the conversions between them. It is light-weight and thoroughly tested.
Provides the core resources required for MeasureIt functionality.
For C# UWP Apps, Windows 10 SDK for Google Analytics implementing the Google Universal Analytics Measurement Protocol
For C++ and JavaScript UWP Apps, SDK for Google Analytics implementing the Google Universal Analytics Measurement Protocol
Reads time series channels from measurement data files (MDF) up to version 3.3.0.
A library containing representations for measurements like distance or velocity.
Measurement Core
Measurement SPC
Package Description
Measurement IO
This is a light-weight test development framework.
Measurement Core Tasks