Top 20 NuGet matrix Packages

A google map api wrapper for .Net . You can use Directions and Distance Matrix Api using this package
General purpose matrix library.
Package Description
.NET Framework library
A Simple Utility Library Containing Comparison, DataStructures, Fraction, Graph, U/Int128, Matrix, Sorting and Vectors.
A Simple Utility Library Containing Comparison, DataStructures, Fraction, Graph, U/Int128, Matrix, Sorting and Vectors.
for working with Matrix in .Net
The SparseCollections library provides the SparseArray<T> and SparseMatrix<T> collection classes. The array class allow statements such as "array[1000000] = 5" or "array[-1000000] = 6" without having to create a large array. The matrix class does the same thing using a two-dimensional-array metaphor...
(Updated with MKL 2019.2.187) Intel MKL native libraries for Math.NET Numerics on Linux.
A basic libary about basic geodetic algorithm such as matrix, linear equation, adjustment, filter, etc. This is a C# class library containing some basic geodetic algorithms producted by Zhengzhou Insititute of Surveying and Mapping.
Vector math library
Nomad Version 2.2 Baby! (Parallel Computing + Strassen's Algorithm) === Hey I'm a young dev, working on this framework just to apply Math (Linear Algebra) to computers. I would love to receive your feedback on this lib and see what my options for the next step are! [email protected]
Net library for handling matix calculation
A 2D graphical applications development framework.
Classes and types for inter-class communication (using events)
Resources DLL that have Database, CSV, and PropertyToDatatable conversions