Top 20 NuGet match Packages

F# style discriminated unions for C#, using a custom type OneOf<T0, ... Tn> which holds a single value and has a .Match(...) method on it for exhaustive matching. Simple but powerful.
A fast globbing library for .NET applications, including .net core. Doesn't use Regex.
This is an FSharp library for interop with the C# OneOf Types
This package extends the OneOf types from OneOf<T0, .., T9> to OneOf<T0, .., T32> for when you really have a lot of options
Library for maintaining a match list of IP addresses and networks and comparing inputs to see if a match exists.
Regular expression matching library.
Analyzer for indexing phonetic signatures (for sounds-alike search) for the Lucene.NET full-text search engine library from The Apache Software Foundation. Documentation: This package is part ...
Split name into military rank, honorific, first name, middle initial, last name, suffix, gender. Also matches names.
String wildcard match (I can not believe no one already wrote a simple NuGet package to do this).
Converts regular expression matches to strong types.
Low-allocation version of DiffMatchPatch
Linear-progressive text discovery engine exposing functionality through simple service APIs. Break plain text into a sequence of slices which can be reconstituted as annotated text. Generate meta-rich tokens from a search expression to then be used to annotate source text matches; noise-word detect...
A C# port of SeatGeek's FuzzyWuzzy Library for string comparisons.
Another color picker for Umbraco using the spectrum plugin customised to match Umbraco UI.
Diff.Match.Patch is a port of google-diff-match-patch.
TextDiscovery AngleSharp implementations of IDomInterpreter, IDomNodeFactory, and IHtmlConverter. Enables the following capabilities: mark search hits in the DOM, create HTML excerpts at a given word count with configurable element-breaking rules, and more.
Implements the Aho-Corasick string search algorithm
ExhaustiveMatching.Analyzer adds exhaustive matching to C# switch statements and expressions. Get compiler errors for missing cases in a switch statement or expression. Mark which switches should have exhaustiveness checking by throwing an exception in the default case. Exhaustiveness checking work...
Machine Learning model for classifying gaming screenshots to determine a gaming match outcome.
TextDiscovery HtmlAgilityPack implementations of IDomInterpreter, IDomNodeFactory, and IHtmlConverter. Enables the following capabilities: mark search hits in the DOM, create HTML excerpts at a given word count with configurable element-breaking rules, and more.