Top 20 NuGet masstransit Packages

Azure Key Vault based message encryption support for MassTransit
Dummy ASP.Net Core client and/or server for MassTransit using MassTransit.RabbitMq.Extensions.Hosting
support event publish and subscription using Masstransit for Jimu microservice framework
Azure Service Bus client for RSMassTransit, a MassTransit message bus interface for SQL Server Reporting Services
MassTransit middleware that allows to pass a logging scope from a producer to a consumer through the message headers
Abstracciones para el uso de Jobs con Masstransit
Provides automatic configuration of the MassTransit Bus for Azure Service Bus.
Event Store implementation in AWS DynamoDb to Masstransit
ProtoBufMessageSerializer is a message serializer for MassTransit( that uses the Protobuf-net library(
This integration library adds support for LibLog to MassTransit. LibLog enables dependency free logging. It contains transparent builtin support for NLog, Log4Net, EntLib Logging and SeriLog or allows the user to define a custom provider. Works with .NET 4 and higher.
MEF composition support for MassTransit .NET distributed application framework
MassTransit extension to use Azure DocumentDB as a large message data repository
Spring IT SimpleInjector Service bus implementation
Add message-based communication to your application easily using message brokers.
Enables Stackify tracing for MassTransit