Top 20 NuGet markdown Packages

A simple functional library do create Markdown files.
If you've ever worked on an app and you needed quick access to something that can read a Markdown file with YAML front-matter, then this is your library. Using YamlDotNet and Markdig, we take your YAML object, serialize it for you, and give you Markdown and parsed HTML for your page data.
This library provides a XAML MarkdownTextBlock control, an efficient and extensible control that can parse and render markdown. It is part of the ModernWpf Community Toolkit.
Xamarin.Android Binding for AmrDeveloper's CodeView, a library to make it easy to create CodeEditor or IDE that support any languages and themes
The library extends the capabilities of the Markdown engine defined in Waher.Content.Markdown. It allows for real-time inclusion and generation of GraphViz ( diagrams, if the software is installed on the system. Example:
This library extends the capabilities of the Markdown engine defined in Waher.Content.Markdown. It allows for real-time inclusion and generation of Waher.Layout.Layout2D diagrams. Markdown documentation:
The library extends the capabilities of the Markdown engine defined in Waher.Content.Markdown. It allows for real-time inclusion and generation of PlantUML ( diagrams, if the software is installed on the system. Example:
Enables using Markdown with Nancy.
Native markdown rendering for Xamarin.Forms.
Common markdown classes for .NET applications
Wyam is a simple to use, highly modular, and extremely configurable static content generator. This library provides support for rendering Markdown content.
FsReveal parses markdown or F# script files and generates reveal.js slides.
Generate project documentation using Markdown and allow integrating code snippet from the source code being built. Code snippet are always up-to-date.
Ranta Markdown processor.
Syntax Highlighting for Markdig.
ASP.NET Core extensible and embeddable documentation engine
Allows consumers to easily convert strings to Markdown using the `IMarkdownConverter` interface. This package is the abstractions of a simple markdown converter: IMarkdownConverter. See ForEvolve.Markdown for implementations.
Markdown editor based on monaco-editor and WebView
Provides renderers based on the Markdown engine that can be used to render websites in projects running on the GenHTTP webserver.
Actively developed (2021) native markdown rendering for Xamarin.Forms.