Top 20 NuGet mariadb Packages

Fast and robust layer for accessing databases. SQL Server, MySQL, Aurora, MariaDB, Sqlite and PostgrSQL. Designed for people that prefer to use stored procedures but works equally well for ad-hoc queries. Does not generate SQL statements from LINQ expressions.
C#/VB.NET database utility to write pure Microsoft SQL/MySQL/PostgreSql/Oracle/SQLite/ODBC/OleDb queries and load data into environment variables and instances. This is core package only. Install this package only by installing specific database package like: Databasic.<DatabaseType>. Then this p...
快速创建和更新 .NETCore 2.1 + MySQL 项目,非常合适敏捷开发; dotnet tool install -g GenMy
kt电商秒杀架构开源总决选 QQ群 779699538
Evolve is an easy migration tool that uses plain old sql scripts. Its purpose is to automate your database changes, and help keep those changes synchronized through all your environments and developpement teams. Every time you build your project, it will automatically ensure that your database is up...
Database provider for kcartlidge/migratable adding support for MySql/MariaDB
Este pacote é parte do pacote SoftmakeAll.SDK . Este pacote fornece apoio para acesso à dados quando o banco de dados é MySQL ou MariaDB.
This repo, provides query profiler for .Net