Top 20 NuGet mapper Packages

An EntityMapper and EntityRegister For EntityFrameworkCore 1.1.2
Extension methods for object-object or dictionary-object or datatable-object mapping, single item mapping use [ item.Apply(()=>new { .. }); ],multiple array items mapping use [ items.Apply(a=>new { .. }); ]. Extension methods for SQL Window Function in Linq, use [ items.GroupBy(a =>...).AsPartition(...
A very light library for mapping objects between different types.
STinyMapper -extend TinyMapper, a tiny and quick object mapper for .Net.
MySql provider for CoPilot.ORM
Sql Server provider for CoPilot.ORM
A useful entity mapper for SharePoint 2016 SSOM API
Object Mapping Framework - Experimental
A configuration free object-to-object mapper in .NET.
Library for generating POCO classes from a SQL database or applying changes to a SQL database based on POCO classes and attributes.
PostgreSql provider for CoPilot.ORM
A high performance content-object mapper for Umbraco. u2 support both sync and async. u2 uses Examine and Lucene query directly and has build-in caching, which makes it extremely fast. u2 uses a convention-based matching algorithm to auto match up content fields to object properties and fluent API...
Mapper for every class. Simple and free!
Methode utiles pour le développement C#
A .NET object-object mapper.
TinyMapper - a tiny and quick object mapper for .Net. With .net core 2
Result filter for ASP.NET Core MVC Controllers that can produce multiple types of results for the same action. Used in multi-client APIs that need to serve different types of results per device