Top 20 NuGet management Packages

MongoDB management implementation for the LocalizeServer to add, modyify or remove resources
Provides a default implementation of a string replacement service that replaces keys with values and an implementation of a key replacement service that abstracts Azure Key Vault
Zero-effort key management extension for IdentityServer4. This package adds key encryption via Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection
Data access library
Provides management capabilities for Microsoft Azure Iot Hub.
Simple file system DMS based on .NET CORE 3, EF CORE 3.0 and server file system or Azure
HereSay is a Content Management System, or CMS, with three objectives: SEO, End-User Simplicity, Extensibility.
Azure Diagnostics interop with log4net
Errordite receives all your application exceptions and groups together those that are the same - automatically or with rules you define. You then decide how to progress the errors. You can fix them, ignore them, or wait and see how often the error occurs. This is the MVC2 version. There is also a ...
IntiCms - a minimalistic component for integrating content into your application. Rather than a full blown CMS which forces your web application to change, the IntiCms component makes it easy to bootstrap content into your existing applicaiton and imposes no structural change on your applicaiton.
Errordite.Client.Log4net extends Errordite to enable the capturing of instrumentation sent to Log4net from your web application, this data is sent along with your errors to Errordite.
Errordite receives all your application exceptions and groups together those that are the same - automatically or with rules you define. You then decide how to progress the errors. You can fix them, ignore them, or wait and see how often the error occurs. This is the MVC4 version which automaticaly ...
Library for connecting your application to UserApp.
C# port of NrtManager and SearcherManager from Lucene 3.5.0
Nequeo message queue component
Azure OAuth2 helper to obtain acess token