Top 20 NuGet machinelearning Packages
Library of FeedForward - Neural Network named Eva.
Provides learning algorithms and models for XGBoost regression and classification.
The world's simplest facial recognition api for .NET
This library is ported from by C#.
The world's simplest facial recognition api for .NET
This library is ported from by C#.
Provides learning algorithms and models for DecisionTree regression and classification.
Provides optimization algorithms.
Provides learning algorithms and models for RandomForest and ExtraTrees regression and classification.
Redistributable components for package 'AWSSDKCPP-MachineLearning'. This package should only be installed as a dependency.
(This is not the package you are looking for).
Provides learning algorithms and models for GradientBoost regression and classification.
Provides learning algorithms and models for neural net regression and classification.
MLOps.NET is a data science tool to track and manage the lifecycle of a ML.NET machine learning model.
Hash2Vec tool for vectorizing text to numerical vector.
The basis of this algorithm is the principle of obtaining a vector based on the morphological structure of the word and coding this basis of the word into a numerical vector. Hash2Vec can be used in two operating modes: in fuzzy search mode and...
Provides learning algorithms and models for AdaBoost regression and classification.
Provides ensemble learning for regression and classification.
Dlib wrapper library written in C++ and C# for Windows, MacOS and Linux
Requirements: Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable Package, cublas64_92.dll, cudnn64_7.dll, curand64_92.dll and cusolver64_92.dll
Class library to calculate Local Binary Pattern (LBP) or Median Robust Extended Local Binary Pattern (MRELBP) images. Uses Accord.Math Nuget package. Call "using LBPLibrary;" to include classes in your code. Published with MIT license.
Bright Wire is an open source machine learning library. Includes neural networks (feed forward, convolutional and recurrent), naive bayes, linear regression, decision trees, logistic regression, k-means clustering and dimensionality reduction.
Provides classification, regression, impurity and ranking metrics.
MLOps.NET is a data science tool to track and manage the lifecycle of a ML.NET machine learning model.
openai/gym's popular toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms port to C#. This package contains ported gym's environments.