Top 20 NuGet machine-learning Packages

ZemberekDotNet is the .NET Port of Zemberek-NLP (Natural Language Processing tools for Turkish).
FULL TensorFlow 2.5+ for .NET with Keras. Build, train, checkpoint, execute models. Samples:,, Deep learning with .NET blog: Comparison with TensorF...
IBM.WatsonDeveloperCloud.PersonalityInsights.v3 wraps the Watson Developer Cloud Personality Insights service (
IBM.WatsonDeveloperCloud.VisualRecognition.v3 wraps the Watson Developer Cloud Visual Recognition service (
F#-first linear algebra, machine learning, fitting, signal processing, and statistical testing.
Turkish Tokenization and sentence boundary detection.
Turkish Named Entity Recognition.
Turkish morphological analysis, disambiguation and word generation.
Resin.Search is an easy-to-use search framework that can help you search through any vector space. It uses hardware accelerated vector operations from MathNet ( to build and scan indices generated from your data. It's also a qualified document database.
Real-Time Object Detection network. TensorFlow-based implementation with support for fine-tuning and training from scratch.
Provides a language model compression algorithm.
Fast identification of text language.
Contains specialized data structures and helper classes.
Text classification based on Java port of fastText project.
.NET Bindings for TensorFlow
IBM.WatsonDeveloperCloud.Discovery.v1 wraps the Watson Developer Cloud Discovery service (
IBM.WatsonDeveloperCloud.SpeechToText.v1 wraps the Watson Developer Cloud Speech To Text service (
IBM.WatsonDeveloperCloud.ToneAnalyzer.v3 wraps the Watson Developer Cloud Tone Analyzer service (
IBM.WatsonDeveloperCloud.Assistant.v1 wraps the Watson Developer Cloud Assistant service (
.NET bindings for Unity ML Agents