Top 20 NuGet logs Packages

A pack of Smart Interceptor for Autofac. [LogInterceptor] that will log all the method calls. [SmartInterceptor] that take will call an Action before and after method execution. [ParameterValidationInterceptor] that will validate method parameters and return value using attributes.
ActionSwarm logging library
File Logger helps developers creating a simple to use system that logs informations from .Net Applications to files and also read these informations into a list. Its very simple to use. For suggestions and comments, please send mails to [email protected] or call +234-813-754-4213.
Awesome application logging utility
Log plugin for all .Net platform
Outputs events to the XMPP network using XEP-0337, for UWP.
This package contains the necessary components to read logging components from json configuration files.
Awesome application logging utility
MarkedUp Analytics ( SDK for Windows Phone 8 developers
Custom log4Net Appender to send logs to Loggly
Custom log4Net Appender to send logs to Loggly
Logger is a framework for logging .NET applications. Can be used to log the output for different targets, like logging output in a text file, Database, Console, Mail (SMTP), Remote, and others.
Log to the file system. End of story.
Tx Windows Log components, specific to Windows Logs
Facilitate logs, and other functionalities when building a .Net application
Package with WCF callback interface and implementation for accessing client logs remotely FROM SERVER (useful for diagnostics to see what is happenned on client side). Independent from log subsystem (NLog, Serilog, log4net and others)
Permite gravar logs da aplicação.
Simple and Lightweight Library for logging messages to different outputs like Files, Consoles, and Debuggers. Features - Automatically creates a new Console window for GUI applications. - Reuses the existing Console window for CLI Applications. - Multiple File Outputs at the same time. - Per-...