Top 20 NuGet logging Packages

Implementation of cloudscribe ILogRepository for pgsql
Serilog logger registration extensions for dependency injection.
Wheel provides a standardized way to use basic infrastructure services (logging, configuration, dependency injection, command system, database access, etc) on .NET console and web applications. It is compatible with .NET core >= 2.0. and .NET classic framework (including the obsolete .NET framework ...
GodSharp logging libary for C#
Connects NHibernate logging infrastructure to Common.Logging.
WebDucer abstractions for logger and logconfiguration
A library for emitting normalized log messages.
Created on 2018-05-25 14:04
MSBuild tasks to compile event/instrumentation manifests and generate ETW (Event Tracing for Windows) logging code.
Simple and highly opinionated sink for structured data that is posted as JSON.
Provides a "UDP Trace Listener" implementation which emits trace events formatted using JSON.
Provides a "Console TraceListener" implementation which emits trace events formatted using JSON.
Contains TraceSourceAttribute - a PostSharp-based aspect for simple but rich logging with .Net System.Diagnostics framework. It makes completely simple to use activity tracing and locial operations stacks. To use, just mark an class, property, method or entire assembly with [TraceSource] attribute a...