Top 20 NuGet logging Packages

Logger for SqlServer
CSV Layout for log4net
Extensions.Logging.ListOfString logs to a list of string so you can test your logging : ``` ILoggerFactory factory=new LoggerFactory.AddProvider(new StringListLoggerProvider()) ILogger logger= factory.CreateLogger("Test1"); ...tests... ; StringListLogger.Instance .LoggedLines .ShouldContain(...
Package Description
An application framework
KISS .NET logging library Web assembly
A basic operations framework allows to break code to logical operations and track operation start, finish, progress and errors. It's best to use for diagnostics with structured logging.
Autofac Module that integrating Autofac and NLog, it supports both constructor and property injection. Now for core 2.0
Plugin to integrate ServiceStack IRequestLogger with API for request/error monitoring. Contains Request, Response, Session and Error/Exception logging. Heavily inspired by and also makes extensive use of
This log4net appender will send logs, in bulks, to the bulk HTTP service. Configurations are available, see the github readme for details.
This NLog target will send logs, in bulks, to the bulk HTTP service. Configurations are available, see the github readme for details.
Package Description
This library contains an Autofac module to register a Sentry Raven client.
This package contains definitions for HTTP log levels, and also default implementation for console log consumer.
NLog logging support for LinqPad
This library contains support for NodaTime serialization when logging exception context data.
Class library for .NET. Provides extension logic for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging and Serilog.