Top 20 NuGet logger Packages

CodeGenHero is an amazing Visual Studio extension that enhances developer productivity via code generation. This package should be added to projects that are the target of CodeGenHero templates that use logging.
Test application
Basic AppLogger
Awesome application logging utility
Awesome application logging utility
Awesome application logging utility
Awesome application logging utility
Share Frameword
This is Azure Table Storage logger and logger provider. A small package to allow store logs in any data store using Azure Table Storage. It was prepared to use in ASP NET Core application, but it does not contain any references that prevents to use it in plain .NET Core application.
Application Logger .Net Framework.
Package Description
Abstractions and user interfaces for QuickLogger
This lib was created for testing. This lib was created for testing. This lib was created for testing. This lib was created for testing. This lib was created for testing. This lib was created for testing. This lib was created for testing. This lib was created for testing. This lib was created for tes...
Package containing utilities to use with Console Applications
First Release