Top 20 NuGet log Packages

An adapter to Enteprise Library Logging Block to the Takenet Log Format
Whitelog is a next generation logging library Open source, Fluent, Hierarchical,BinaryFile and String
Powerful logger for .NET applications
XSD schema and sample App.config for Qoollo.Logger.
A tiny log engine which is capable to log on console, in files or debug console.
Simple and light-weight logging framework for Windows Universal Application. It's compatible for Win app and WP8.1 app
Véritable couteau suisse du .net, rlcx Power tools contient une énorme quantité d'outils plus utiles les uns que les autres.
Log library.
Logary is a high performance, multi-target logging, metric and health-check library for mono and .Net.
Logary is a high performance, multi-target logging, metric and health-check library for mono and .Net.
An open source custom flexible logger for .NET apps, supporting text files, windows forms controls and more... Project URL:
A library of functions built with .NET designed for reuse in Excel VSTO-based application, but also exposable to VBA through the facade pattern.
The Innviero LogTracker library is a tool to help programmers create and track theirs logs in variety of ways.
It's an hackable and thread safe c# logmanager for your project.
Appender for log4net to log in MongoDB
NLog lumberjack protocol
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configuration> <configSections> <section name="log4net" type="log4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler, log4net"/> </configSections> <log4net> <!--MongoDbAppender--> <appender name="UepMongoLogAppender" type="ForwardMongoLogger.Mon...
Complete log framework for ASP.NET. Graphical viewer application for log files DevLib is a highly reusable collection of components and core functionalities addressing common crosscutting concerns. It provides a comprehensive set of features that save development time, minimize costs, reduce the use of p...