Top 20 NuGet log Packages

this.Log-Moq is the Moq plugin to this.Log logging extension that brings the MockLogger.
this.Log-NLog is the NLog plugin to this.Log logging extension.
this.Log-RhinoMocks is the Rhino Mocks plugin to this.Log logging extension that brings the MockLogger.s
this.Log-log4net.Sample is a sample of how to use the log4net plugin to this.Log logging extension.
this.Log-NLog.Sample is a sample of how to use the NLog plugin to this.Log logging extension.
this.Log-NLog.Sample is a sample of how to use the NLog plugin to this.Log logging extension.
ASP.NET WebForms and MVC integration for Pulsus logging library in .NET 4. This registers the ErrorLoggingModule in the ASP.NET pipeline by using DynamicModuleUtility.RegisterModule(typeof(ErrorLoggingModule)).
Gel is a logging package that provides a log4net logging strategy 'good enough' for most day to day logging needs
An NLog Target for MongoDB persistence. This package targets Mongo C# Driver 1.8.3
An NLog target which lets you log screenshots
Contains a XML log file listener for AdvancedTrace Source code :
Provides an object renderer to integrate with log4net to dump exceptions (or any/all object types) using the ObjectPrinter. Also provides a log4net type inspector to prevent prevent dumping log4net objects that should be converted to strings.
Provides an object renderer to integrate with log4net to dump exceptions (or any/all object types) using the ObjectPrinter. Also provides a log4net type inspector to prevent prevent dumping log4net objects that should be converted to strings.
boost_log-vc100. Compiler: Visual Studio 2010 SP1.
Logs the execution time for blocks of code
Automatically implements the tedious part of the .NET 4.5 EventSource class. Also automatically converts any interface to an ETW trace point. Wrap your interfaces and get free ETW tracing. ** Compatible with Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing (the one in NuGet) **
Logs the execution time for ASP.NET MVC Action methods
Appender for log4net for
Log4Net integration for Cortoxa Framework. Cortoxa Framework is a Powerful Framework for faster and easier building .Net applications based on Dependency Injection patterns. Contains implementation of common "Design Patterns".
Nlog integration for Cortoxa Framework. Cortoxa Framework is a Powerful Framework for faster and easier building. Net applications based on Dependency Injection patterns. Contains implementation of common "Design Patterns".